
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body becomes insulin resistant or the pancreas stops making enough insulin. However, developing from pre-diabetes to diabetes is not inevitable. You can take a variety of steps to lower your diabetes risk.


Regular Exercise:

Regular exercise can help lower blood sugar in the short term and maintain a moderate weight and increase insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity means your cells can more effectively use the available sugar in your bloodstream.Breaking your sitting time every 30 minutes simply put, exercise snacks imply just a few minutes during the day. Light walking or easy resistance workouts like squats or leg raises are some of the exercises that are recommended.


Consume more fiber foods:

Consuming adequate fiber is good for your gut health and weight loss. Fiber reduces carb digestion and sugar absorption, thereby helping blood sugar levels to rise more steadily. Although both insoluble and soluble fibers are essential, soluble fiber has been shown to help with blood sugar regulation, whereas insoluble fiber has not this capacity.


Drink more water daily:

Drinking plenty of water could help you maintain a healthy blood sugar level. It helps your kidneys flush out any excess glucose through urine, as well as reduces dehydration. According to a study of observational studies, people who drank more water had a lower risk of high blood sugar levels.


Intake of low glycemic index foods

Foods with a high GI increase blood glucose quickly. The glycemic index (GI) shows you how carbohydrates rapidly influence your blood sugar level.The GI divides foods into low; medium with scores of 55 under-considered low GI foods.


Good sleep required

In fact, poor sleeping routines and a lack of rest have an impact on blood sugar levels and insulin levels, raising the risk of type 2 diabetes.They can also increase appetite and promote weight gain. Sleep loss raises cortisol levels, as explained early which plays an essential role in blood sugar management.Ā 

Immuno Dia, a complete ayurvedicĀ  family health tonic beneficial for people suffering from chronic diabetes

The main ingredients include:

Ashwagandha :which promotesĀ healthy sleep and some data suggests it may help in the symptoms of sleep disorders & certain components in ashwagandha, such as aferin A (WA), are thought to have potent anti-diabetic properties and it may help stimulate your cells to absorb glucose from your bloodstream. Jamun seed– Jamun, or black plum, is a nutritional fruit; however, its seed contains the majority of its medicinal advantages. Jamun seeds contain alkaloids, which inhibit starch from being converted to sugar and keep diabetes away Indian pennywort- If your blood sugar level is not under control, Brahmi or Indian pennywort reverses diabetes naturally. Turmeric-It is a cornerstone in every Indian household. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory qualities in addition to increasing the flavour of food. SHOP NOW