
Everything, from the environment, food, eating habits, and way of life, is changing constantly.Children are constantly exposed to various germs as they grow up, especially in places like childcare centers and schools. Children with a poor immune system are more susceptible to a variety of infections.Fresh food and well-balanced meals are essential for a healthy and efficient immune system. Here are a few tips to strengthen your children’s immunity and keep them safe from ailments.


Get them active:

Exercise keeps us healthy and reduces our chances of getting sick. Children should be active for at least an hour each day.Assure that children get free time to play, as well as exposure to activities and people who make them happy.


Include fruits and vegetables in their diet:

Fruits and vegetables are antioxidant-rich Phytonutrient powerhouses. The immune system is kept healthy and powerful by phytonutrients.Include fruits and veggies, such as carrots, green beans, oranges, melons, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, bell peppersin your child’s everyday diet.


Make sure they get proper sleep:

Your child’s sleep is crucial. Sleep deprivation might damage his immune system, making him more vulnerable to sickness. You can encourage healthy sleep by limiting screens. Devices should be turned off an hour or two before bedtime for teens, and preferably not in the bedroom at night – as well as sticking to a routine.


Encourage them to intake citrus fruits & vitamin c:

Vitamin C nutrient cannot be produced by the bodyon its own.Vitamin C is a protective vitamin that helps to prevent colds and flu. It is also known to enhance white blood cell production.Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, pomelo, musambi, grapefruit and kiwi are rich with Vitamin C .It help increase your child’s immunity and maintain a healthy body.


Immunodia,a complete ayurvedic  family health tonicis a blend of 11 immune-boosting herbs like Amla, Ashwagandha, Alovera,TuremericJamun seed, Indian pennywortand many more.These herbs help you strengthen your immunity.Consumption Immunodia can help children stay healthier as they help build immunity.

Amla: Amla is a powerful appetite enhancer. It can help digestive enzymes and make the child feel hungry if given in small doses on a regular basis.Amla’s natural antibacterial properties help to improve a child’s immunity and make it easier for them to battle infections.

Ashwagandha:An ancient medical herb, ashwagandha,is known for not only helping heal physical problems but also enhancing mental wellness.” It also strengthens the immune system, and that also adds stamina to muscle strength and improves brain function.

Turmeric: Turmeric, one of the best foods for immunity, has a long list of advantages such us relief from cough, colds and a sore throat.Curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful antioxidant that boosts immunity. A mug of turmeric milk before sleep is one of the finest ways to absorb turmeric for increased immunity.

Aloevera:A healthy immune system can keep a variety of health problems at bay. Aloe vera juice is a rich source of micronutrients that enable the body to combat free radical damage while also boosting immunity.